
AfricaSan5 Knowledge Products

AfricaSan5 provided an opportunity for stakeholder groups to reflect on the role they each play in achieving the Ngor Commitments to Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa. Each sector dialogue group set out concrete actions that will be taken in advance of the next AfricaSan conference to contribute to the overall Ngor Vision and commitments. AMCOW is working with the different sector groups to establish a mechanism by which these actions can be incorporated into the Ngor Commitment monitoring processes and be reported back at AfricaSan6. Read or download articles with titles as: 1. AfricaSan5 synthesis paper on building capacity 2. AfricaSan5 synthesis paper on Financing the Sector 3. AfricaSan5 synthesis paper on policies and regulations 4. AfricaSan5 synthesis paper on leave no one behind 5. AfricaSan5 synthesis paper on Monitoring and Reporting

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