WASH Finance
19-02-12 East Africa Regional Snapshot FINAL
TRACKING THE NGOR DECLARATION VISION Achieve universal access to adequate and sustainable sanitation and hygiene services and eliminate open defecation by 2030 • The vision of the Ngor Commitments on Sanitation and Hygiene predates, but closely aligns to SDG targets 1.4 and 6.2. • Less than 20% of region’s rural population, and only one third of the urban population have access to at least basic sanitation. • Open defecation is a predominantly rural issue in East Africa, one quarter of the rural population practice open defecation. This average figure masks several countries with considerably higher rates of OD (60-90%). • Hygiene practice is also low – only 12% rural and 28% urban households in the region have basic handwashing with soap facilities.
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