Sanitation Infrastructure
The World Bank Water Global Practice (WGP) has developed an approach to urban sanitation based on citywide inclusive sanitation (CWIS) principles, which have been developed in conjunction with sector partners (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation et al., 2017). This approach aims to shift the paradigm around urban sanitation approaches in World Bank engagements, promoting the following principles: • Everybody benefits from adequate sanitation service delivery outcomes. • Human waste is safely managed along the whole sanitation service chain. • Comprehensive approaches to sanitation improvements are deployed, with long-term planning, technical innovation, institutional reforms, and financial mobilization. • A diversity of technical solutions, which are adaptive, mixed, and incremental, is embraced. • Effective resource recovery and reuse are considered. • Cities demonstrate political will and technical and managerial leadership, and they identify new and creative ways of funding sanitation. • Both on-site sanitation and sewerage solutions, in either centralized or decentralized systems, are considered to better respond to realities faced in cities. • Complementary services (including water supply, drainage, greywater, and solid waste) are considered.
L'auteur AMCOW & USAID
Contributeur USAID
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