Water Governance
AMCOW Strategy 2018 - 2030
The AMCOW Strategy 2018-2030 is a result of efforts and contributions from many organisations and stakeholders. Members of AMCOW’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Subcommittee on Strategic Planning, Staff of AMCOW Secretariat, as well as experts from the African Union Commission, African Development Bank/African Water Facility, Regional Economic Commissions and Lake and River Basin Organisations were instrumental to the development of this strategy. Hon. Eng. Isack Kamwelwe, AMCOW President and Minister of Water and Irrigation, Tanzania, and Dr. Canisius Kanangire, AMCOW Executive Secretary, respectively provided leadership and technical directions. We express our gratitude for their efforts and contributions. The AMCOW Strategy 2018–2030 draws lessons from the factors underlying AMCOW’s achievements to date, placing water at the heart of development planning, and raising the priority given to water for food, energy, and industrial production.
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